Author Features

Here, I will feature a book from a different author each time for you all to check out, including my thoughts about the book and links to it.

Author Feature for August 21, 2022

Packless by Simone Leigh Martin

I truly loved this book. It has all kinds of feels and always makes you wonder what is going to become of this girl who doesn’t really belong anywhere in her “community.”

There are some parts that have some errors. It is an easy read. There are some things I would change about this book, probably just some grammatical errors that I found. Simone really does a great job and I will continue to read her books.


Author Feature October 2, 2022

Even If It Hurts by Sam Mariano

Sam wrote this book very well. It didn’t have a lot of grammatical errors in it and the storyline is easy to follow.

Aubrey is someone that a lot of people can relate to as far as her struggles. Her feelings and back and forth with Dare keep you wondering what in the world these two are going to do about each other.


Author Feature October 10, 2022

Found in the Fountain by Arnold Lopez & CJ Ives Lopez

This was a tough read for me. There were errors that I found difficult to read past. It was also difficult for me to read because the storyline didn’t seem to be going anywhere for quite some time. I wondered at what point the story was going to take off or begin to see any action.

This book is not very big, having only 108 pages. Most of the mistakes dealt with punctuation with grammatical coming in a close second. I wish there was more to the story as I felt there were parts that lingered on longer than they should have. Some parts just seemed to suddenly stop as well. Overall, I hope that the authors revamp this book as there is potential in the story itself.


Author Feature October 17, 2022

The Crown of Gilded Bones by Jennifer Armentrout

This book is #3 in the From Bloo and Ash series. Oh my goodness! Things started to heat up in this book and I had to know each time, what was going to happen. I listened to this book on Audible while driving to work, which is a 30-minute drive one way. Poppy and Castiel bring so much to the story and I even love Kieran (sp?). He is a great character and really brings in the reality of everything that is happening in the realms and helps Poppy understand what is going on.


Author Feature November 19, 2022

The War of Two Queens by Jennifer Armentrout

This book is book #4. I absolutely love this series and I have to keep finding out what is going to happen to the “leesa.” (No idea if that is how you spell it). This book had a lot of action in it and it really seemed like Jennifer brought everything to a head at this point. What was going to happen when these two women finally come face to face? What is going to happen as the main event approaches? These were all things that I wondered as I read this book. I was not disappointed. I never am with Jennifer. She writes beautifully.


Author Feature January 29, 2023

Jonah by Ali Lucia Sky

Jonah is an ass. We all know that by now. If you don’t, you definitely need to start with the first book in this series and find out how much of an ass he truly can be. On the other hand, Lizzy doesn’t make it any easier either. Weird things happen to her and even more comes from that. She has felt like an outsider with the other “bestie” group, but she has found her own and as always, they are there for her, at least until one of them becomes a complete drama queen and a pain in the ass.

I so very much enjoyed working on this book with Ali. It may have been a little bit of a hard start for Ali with the story, but when she got in her groove… boy, oh boy… did she get in her groove. This is the 3rd book in this series. I have worked with Ali on all of them, so far. I truly love this story and how it unfolds to become the most interesting of the characters yet. Congratulations, Ali for another awesome book! Thank you for trusting me with your bookbaby!

Please be advised by the trigger warning inside the book.

It’s recommended that you read the series in order beginning with RAIDEN.


Author Feature October 13, 2023

In the Likely Event by Rebecca Yarros

The story of Izzy and Nate is both heartwrenching and lovely all at the same time. These two people have two different stories that somehow meld together to be one beautiful story with action, drama and love. I completely understood how Nate’s life has gone from growing up with military family members, but I can’t imagine what it’s like being on the other side of that.

For Izzy, it was one thing after another with problems in her family to emotional turmoil. For Nate, it was one heck of long time before he found something somewhat normal again. I loved this story, as I do with all Rebecca’s stories because they tell such a good story that people can often relate to and you can tell her stories come from a passionate person who loves to write.

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Author Feature March 21, 2024

Shelby by Ali Lucia Sky

Shelby and Mina’s dynamics make this quite the book for the Somnolence series. Their banter, hidden love for each other, and back stories make this book a great read. It is a novella and is packed with fun, angst, and love. I read this book probably 3-4 times and each time felt like I had just picked it up for the first time. I loved reading this story because each time, I felt like I understood their chemistry a little more and felt even more empathy for them each time.

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